Being a wheezy sort of person, I avoid using the stairs. Recently, though, I have taken to climbing up and down four flights to give my knees a daily workout. All these days there was little sun, the cloud cover making my forays to the terrace rather pleasant. It was also an inducement to carry my phone along, just in case. And a good thing it was.

A few days later, the sight of great fluffy clouds greeted me as I emerged from the stairs. I began clicking, finally moving my phone camera directly overhead (below, clockwise from left). The yawning grey and white of the vast skies and the fact that my head was almost at a right angle to my spine made me feel dizzy. Shakily, I wended my way down the nearest flight of stairs and decided to henceforth revel from afar in the wonders of the unknown yonder.
Part XII of my Nature in pictures series.
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